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Tele-as- 是什么?

分类: 百科 常识词典 编辑 : 常识 发布 : 11-17

阅读 :472

Tele-as- 是什么?Tele-as- 是什么? 看这个公式: JSON + UDP + DHT = Freedom 网址: tele-as-.org 希望有人来聊聊这个。2 个答案

答案 1:

TeleHas- is a new wire protocol for exc-angingJSONin a real-time and fully decentralized -nner, enabling applications to connect directly and participate as servers on t-e edge of t-e network. It is designed to efficiently route and distribute -all bits of data in order for applications to discover eac- ot-er directly or in relation to events around piece of s-ared content. T-e core benefits of TeleHas- over ot-er similar platforms and protocols is t-at it is bot- generic (not tied to any specific application or content structures) and is radically decentralized wit- no servers or points of central control.It works by sending and receiving very - -all bits of JSON viaUDPusing an easy routing system based onKademlia, a proven and popularDistributed Has- Table. Everyt-ing wit-in TeleHas- is routed based on a genericSHA-as-, usually of somet-ing specific to an application or somet-ing common like a URL.W-ile it is still young, t-e protocol and early implementations are evolving quickly and can already be used. Everyone is welcome to start experimenting and get involved in any form.TeleHas- is t-e culmination of years of discussions wit- -ny people, and is being pri-rily bootstrapped byJeremie Miller. Feedback is welcomed viaIMor on t-eWiki.

答案 2:

去中心化(p2p) 的 采用JSON格式 基于UDP连接方式 使用分布式哈希表的路由协议。 非常有意思的东东, 最近去中心化(p2p)很火啊。

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