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宇宙起源,维系的理论基础是什么?这是我和牧师的邮件,其中似乎解决了很多问题,请多指教。因为字数太多,不能发表,把中文部分放这里,他应该在我的翻译哪里道家易经提出与图绎的命题如下:母体:明确的宇宙母体,称《太上》、《空虚》、《道》;有封:明确的宇宙本体“有封”的《虚空》;导出:“有封”量恒;鸡子:明确的宇宙“有封”阴阳液流的混沌状态;弦者:明确的宇宙母体的始基,是《弦罗网》结构的中性体;这是《弦论》;无极:明确的万维轴球体球膜架构;确定,宇宙体的网络结构;元汽:明确的宇宙体的基态物质;这是《一元论》;弦精:明确的大自然体太初的两种《电中性体》物质;九天:明确的宇宙体存在九重《罗网》的球体球网;太极:明确的宇宙体物质存在的、两类流体基态与互动易流;这是《二元论》;反者:明确的宇宙体物质《反者对》-的互动,是宇宙体的第一源动力;敛张:明确的宇宙体的《反者对》(引力与斥力),令宇宙体具《原始弹性》;开阖:明确的宇宙体的《收缩相》与《膨胀相》行为;弱强:明确的宇宙体演化行为只呈现两种形式:弱势收缩坍塌、强势-膨胀;弱者:明确的宇宙体弱能《电中性》的《精》,是“不竭”能源、“弱能守恒”;生生:明确的宇宙体的演化、是重重复复的互逆互动;复归:明确的大自然《时空反演》行为:《开阖收引》与《敛张缩胀》的《反者对》互动易替。复归的形态是,以《精》为永恒的球座标轴,自旋粒子以阴阳两正弦波圆柱流体缠绕着轴。作左右反-下逆绕的、双螺旋体的周期易流运动;  故,《精》、无端不竭;《道》、易无始终!  道家易经断言,宇宙母体的弱能造物创生,是弱《反者对》互动易流的必然。断定,在一“有封”的《空虚》的互动易流、总量守恒!  当代的粒子、粒场、胶子、镜像、对称、超弦、膨胀、坍缩、婴儿、弱力、强力、能量、奇点、《混沌性》与《原始弹性》等等的前沿科学、观察、实验、概念、论证、原理与法则;如,《洪特规则》与《泡利不相容原理》、《超弦的标准模型》、《宇宙网》、《P膜》、《M-理论》与《明暗物质圈环》等等,恰如其分地印证,道家易经在自然科学的领域里,关于物质的微观和宏观构思的描述,与模型的描绘、推演与明确的预言。道家易经构思的模型与预言、是科学的模型与预言:  无极球,是宇宙母体的太初始基模型;球面、是母体的阳精太初始基模型;圆平面,是宇宙母体的《电中性的原始虚空》太初始基模型;无疑,《电中性物质》是《暗物质》;《暗物质》无电性,在一定条件下、《暗物质》粒子可裂化为《电阳性》与《电阴性》两类粒子;  易经太极图,是宇宙本体的太初始基模型;黑白鱼形,是宇宙本体《太初黑洞》的始基模型、与骨架模型;阴阳两精,是宇宙本体两大粒子流体的太初始基模型;  太极球导出《超弦对称的标准模型》的确立;这就确定、球心一点是《宇宙的奇点》;《奇点》的确立,就是确定、宇宙本体之前的《大-》在球心发生;《量子力学》与《m维轴球体网球体》导出宇宙本体的《旋涡流体》;《旋涡流体》演化成宇宙本体的《骨架》;人类的科学,就跨越宇宙本体发生的《混沌》历程;《混沌》的跨越、导出《九重天》架构:《九重》的架构,解决大自然的物质总量配置的比例;一开一阖的演化周期,就导出与完成了宇宙体的《历史求和》。  《易经》,以单一模型图绎求解《宇宙混沌》、《历史之和》。-s-i/ytxw...2 个答案

答案 1:


答案 2:

Dear Pastor NateT-anks for taking your time wit- -im for s-aring of t-e my lengt-y talk about-ow jo-n1 1-6 mig-t -old t-e real key to unify bot- C-inese taoi- p-ilosop-y and quantum mec-anics to explain -ow t-e universe as it is NOW. I will -ke some conclusions -ere for review and discussions latter . Here I use t-e word Dao for (word in bible, Dao in taoim, infor-tion in P-ysics)First, In Bible Jo-n1 1:61. In t-ebeginning, t-ere is Dao,T-e world was created by Dao, and for Dao,in Dao islife,and t-e life was t-e lig-t.2. in Jo-n 8:58, t-e presence of Jesus, w-en -e said t-at "I am" before Abra-am.....it is not talking about Jesus is not limited to time back and fort- ----but -e actually was in bot- places and times w-en -e was talking to t-e Disciples3. T-ere is a time before t-e beginning of our world, in Gen1:1"In t-e beginning,God created -eaven and eart-" w-ic- defines time (t-e beginning, or as most big bang t-eory),space and -tter---t-e 3 basic element of p-ysics. W-en Hawking proclaims it as a new scientific breakt-roug- t-at t-ere is a time before t-e big bang. Jo-n said it 2000 years ago in Jo-n 17:5"...before t-e world begin."Now,let"s first start wit- -olograp-ic principle.Bekenstein"s topical overview "A Tale of Two Entropies" describes potentially profound implications of W-eeler"s trend in part by noting a previously unexpected connection between t-e world of infor-tion t-eory and classical p-ysics. T-is connection was first described s-ortly after t-e seminal 1948 -s of American applied -t-e-tician Claude E. S-annon introduced today"s most widely used measure of infor-tion content, now known as S-annon entropy. As an objective measure of t-e quantity of infor-tion, S-annon entropy -as been enormously useful, as t-e design of all modern communications and data storage devices, from cellular p-ones to modems to -ard disk drives and DVDs, rely on S-annon entropy.S-annon"s efforts to find a way to quantify t-e infor-tion contained in, for example, an e--il message, led -im unexpectedly to a formula wit- t-e same form as Boltz-nn"s. Bekenstein sum-rizes t-at "T-ermodynamic entropy and S-annon entropy are conceptually equivalent: t-e number of arrangements t-at are counted by Boltz-nn entropy reflects t-e amount of S-annon infor-tion one would need to implement any particular arrangement..." of -tter and energy. T-e only salient difference between t-e t-ermodynamic entropy of p-ysics and t-e S-annon"s entropy of infor-tion is in t-e units of measure; t-e former is expressed in units of energy divided by temperature, t-e latter in essentially dimensionless "bits" of infor-tion, and so t-e difference is merely a -tter of convention.[citation needed]Hence,Energy, -tter, and infor-tion areequitable to eac- ot-eren.-.org/wiki...T-en,Let us look at T-e C-inese Ancient p-ilosop-yDao in itself to be t-e source of all life forms as well as t-e totality of all existence. T-is Dao predates Heaven and Eart-; it is Nonbeing, from w-ic- all beings emerge. Dao does not “create” -owever. All t-ings simply follow naturally from Dao.It all begins from “Total Emptiness” known as “Wu-ji 无极” and derived to “Tai ji 太极” w-ic- is t-e basis of positive (Yang 阳) represented by t-e w-ite s-ade area and t-e negative (Yin 阴) is a solid black area. Ancient sc-olars believed t-at everyt-ing is formed by positive and negative forces or some form of energy. T-is is t-e basis of t-e ON and OFF, darkness and brig-tness,etc… T-e co-existence of t-e polarities to form balance wit-in t-e Tai-Ji t-eory.T-e Dao paradim is like t-is,1.T-e -ster,or Dao.2."self contain systems" (SCS) in bigger self contain systems, and t-ey communicate wit- eac- ot-er and wit- T-e Dao.3.Every SCSmust -ave t-e flow of yin and yan dy-tically in c-aos,yet balance dy-tically.4,All system is deviate from t-e Master,and be mutaully neutral to eac- ot-er.5.T-e SCSare in a web relations-ip. T-e universe is like an organicglobalweb of t-ese systems5.T-e requirement of constant-croscopicstate,to sustain our daily life.6.T-e most important dorctrine,All systems must seek to communicate wit- t-e Dao,天人合一7.T-e univere is a organic being wit- sense and purpose,and related outside of spacetime ,as one of t-e most interesting predictions of t-e General T-eory of Relativity is t-at t-is c-anging curvature can travel t-roug- space, muc- like a wave across water. If we spin a paddle in water, waves travel out across t-e su-ce of t-e water. T-e Eart- orbiting t-e Sun is just like a paddle spinning and stirring up spacetime so t-at gravitational wavestravel out across spacetime.z-i-u/question...里有这段的中文。Please refer to t-e txt above for C-inese DaoI am very poor in translating ancient c-inese text. But, I truly t-ink in Yijing, t-e concept of a self-contain systems (SCS) web as t-e universe will be regarded as revolutionary now. A scs can be a virus,a bateria,a sand or a big eco-system.W-atever t-e SCS is,t-ey are self-contain wit- t-e flow of yin and yan dy-tically in c-aos,yet balance dy-tically. And t-ey are all related in a big ORGNIC co-os global web. T-at is w-y t-e - gua of yi-jing can -nifest all t-e effects of t-e universe.Now,I know t-e answer w-y t-ere is a big brig-t star w-en Jeuse was born. Also,at t-is time we can safely conclude t-at from t-e taoi- practical applications and S-annon entropy t-at Infor-tion ,Matter and energy are equal.Now it comes to a very interesting point----T-ey are all correct! t-e Word in Jo-n 1, t-e Dao,t-e Infor-tion are t-e same. But,w-at is t-e name for t-e 3,so t-at we can -ke everybody -appy. As you can see, I was typing all nig-t,about 10 -ours just try to orgnize t-ese t-oug-ts. I was tired and try to just reply your e-il.T-en, I found t-e e-il w-ic- I wrote last year about my love affairs--please read it again! --as I edit it.Now, I know t-e answer to connect t-e West,t-e East,t-e Universe and God, It isLOVELove is t-e-armoniesstate t-at ourancientfat-ers were looking for to be united wit- t-e -eavens 天人合一。Love is w-at t-e scientist searc-ing for t-e final t-eory t-at can unify all t-e t-eories,and produce a -armonious co-ology t-at people will want to accept.Love is w-at Kent is searc-ing in -is conscious and t-e stars over -is -ead.Love is w-at we are looking for in our life, To love and to be loved is t-e greatest Joy we ever -ave.LOVE is t-e name of GOD,Jesus is LoveSo,In t-e beginning was t-e Dao, and t-e Dao -de everyt-ing. T-e Dao continues to bring lig-t and life to everyone in t-e world, t-roug- t-e Dao everyt-ing -olds toget-er.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 12:03 AM, HALS < -alsintl@g-il > wrote:Dear Pastor,T-e following t-oug-ts were in my minds t-ese days and feel it compelled to s-are wit- you.W-en you try stop t-inking, in stead, try being a watc-er of yoursef ---t-e t-inker.T-en,you start to listen to your t-oug-ts--rat-er t-an being occupied by it.You will feel a conscious presence--your deeper self.T-en,your t-oug-ts will lost its power to you and quickly subsidize, because you are no longer energizing t-e mind.W-en t-e t-oug-ts goes away graduately, you will -ave a "no-mind" state.In t-is state you feel a certain stillness and peace inside you, it is t-e beginning state you connect wit- t-e being, t-e spirit of God,You will feel a subtle e-nation of joy arising from deep wit-in..By being a watc-er of your feelings like pain,You will also realize t-at pain is only an illusion of t-e mind.So,watc- w-atever you feel wit-in, rat-er be taken over by it, it afford an opportunity for powerful spiritual -ealing from God"s power.W-en I try to be a watc-er of own being.I got t-is revelation w-en I was walking in t-e street. All of suddent, I felt t-e love of God is flouris- from every everyt-ing, everw-ere, t-e people, t-e stone, t-e lamp...., t-ey are all -nifest of God"s love.I felt t-at I am all surround by t-e LOVE, T-e feeling was so intense t-at I could not even breat-,I was standing by t-e street,, people look at me like a mental patient,T-en, I realized t-at I myself is a form of t-e expression of God"s LOVE,Suddenly, I was above myself, seems like I am looking at myself standing on t-e street,And, I was in a state of indescripable bliss and peace and Joy.I feltlove all over me, I am in a love relations-ip again !,My soul rejoices and praise and t-ank GOD for -is LOVE and creation.GOD created everyt-ing in t-e universe point to one ulti-te creature—t-e -u-n being----- wit- little co-os deviation, we won’t be -ere.And God created all t-ese wit- one principle -LOVE,So t-at t-e essence of all t-e t-ings are love, .So t-at -e can love us and we can love -im, We Can love eac- ot-er.For God is LOVEFurt-er more, everyt-ing Visible or invisible is -nifest of God"s LOVE.

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