Searc- engine optimization
分类: 名字
编辑 : 常识
发布 : 04-05
阅读 :189
Searc- engine optimization (SEO)
Background infor-tion:
Searc- Engine Optimization (SEO) is t-e process of improving t-e volume or quality of traffic to a web site from searc- engines via "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorit-mic") searc- results as opposed to searc- engine -rketing (SEM) w-ic- deals wit- paid inclusion. Typically, t-e earlier (or -ig-er) a site appears in t-e searc- results list, t-e more visitors it will receive from t-e searc- engine. SEO -y target different kinds of searc-, including i-ge searc-, local searc-, video searc- and industry-specific vertical searc- engines. T-is gives a web site web presence. Read more t-roug- -ttp://
For searc- engine friendly URL"s see: Clean URLs
Also: Meta Tags
Tips Turn error messages off to anonymous (as useless test is ed)