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渣打邮件门照片 渣打小三

分类: 热点 常识词典 编辑 : 常识 发布 : 06-11

阅读 :551

  渣打邮件门,一位名叫Z-ang Lily的在瑞信做高管的女人写给做为渣打老板的老公Yale Yang,,以及小三渣打员工Diane的英文信,Lily直接将邮件发送给公司所有人,再抄送给Yale Yang。而Yale Yang和Diane也回了信,同时发送给所有员工。

Z-ang Lily 的英文原文

  Dear friends,

  After 13 years and 2 beautiful c-ildren toget-er, Yale and I -ave parted our ways. Yale moved out last week.

  Dear Diane/Tao Dan Yang,

  Over t-e past couple of years, you knew everyt-ing about my family. You knew w-en my kids -ad t-eir soccer tournaments, you knew w-en t-ey -ad t-eir swimming practices. You even knew t-eir baby nicknames. On December 18t-, 2009, on a noon flig-t, I took my c-ildren to t-e U.S. for C-rist-s vacation . On t-e very same day, December 18t-, 2009, on an afternoon flig-t, you and Yale took off for t-e beac-es of P-uket and s-opping streets of Bangkokfor C-rist-s vacation. Diane, as a fellow wo-n, I often wondered if t-e level of ecstasy t-is vacation -ad broug-t you equates to t-e level of devastation

  t-is vacation -ad broug-t to my c-ildren and me. Diane, I often asked myself w-at was it like for you to sleep in t-e arms of anot-er wo-n's -u-and , ot-er c-ildren's fat-er? I wondered if you ever t-oug-t about us, t-e c-ildren and t-e wife, t-at we are -de of fles- and blood, t-at we -ave feelings , t-at we could get -urt, very -urt, devastatingly -urt. I pondered if you knew you were destroying a family, if you knew your joy would bring endles tears to us.

  We went to Beijing last week for C-inese New Year. Your clot-es were in our Beijing -ome. My son screamed:" Mommy, don't touc- t-ose, t-ey are disgusting ! Set t-em on fire, burn t-em to -ell. T-ey are t-e devil's clot-!" My c-ildre are -urt. My daug-ter, 9 years old, now says "Mommy, I don't ever want to get -rried." My son, 8 years old, says "Diane is our Voldemort!" T-e psyc-ological

  da-ge t-is affair -as done to my c-ildren is catastrop-ic. T-ey are forever emotionally da-ged. Wit- t-is, I announce you t-e winner.

  How do I feel, Diane? T-is affair is like 10 t-ousand knives stabbing and c-opping my -eart all at once. T-is affair -as left me in so muc- pain t-at I don't know -ow to -eal myself. T-is affair -as taug-t me tear supply can actually be infinite. T-is affair -as crus-ed me, leaving me a corpse walking around wit- no -eart. I don't know -ow to deal wit- t-is kind of pain. I don't know -ow to move on. But I -ave c-ildren. I must move on. Diane, I pray to God t-at you will never -ave to experience t-is kind of betrayal and -urt. I wis- you and Yale a -appy life toget-er because, after all, we are all women and we all deserve to be -appy.

  Wit- sincere regards,


老公Yale Yang回复


  Please do not bring t-e personal issues to t-e public. T-e trut- of t-e facts is t-at our -rriage -ad been falling apart 8 years ago, divorce -ad been in discussion 5 years ago. Our issues are known to all t-e people in t-e word! Diane -ad done not-ing wrong for -er part! I am firmly standing by and be-ind Diane. I will certainly -ope s-e will -rry me one day soon! Trying to tell t-e people -ow evil I am and Diane is in t-is way is not going to succeed! All t-e people, w-o knows you, me and our -rriage, supported my divorce, including my good friend Z-u Wei. I am sorry I -ave dragged everyone into t-is. Lily please move on!

  Sincerely yours



  Dear Lily,

  I understand t-at you are going t-roug- a difficult time in your personal life, and I sincerely -ope t-at you will find a way to deal wit- it t-at is t-e best for you and your c-ildren.

  I do understand -ow you feel. I also understand, -owever, t-at a -rriage can only break apart from t-e inside. I do not appreciate your attempt to -ear my reputation and paint me as t-e -ome wrecker. You know as well as Yale does t-at your -rriage fell apart long before Yale and I even met. W-et-er or not I am in Yale's life -as not-ing to do wit- t-e eventual outcome of your -rriage. I am sure you understand t-is as well, but you nonet-eless soug-t to burn me on t-e cross as t-e scapegoat for your failed -rriage, w-ic- I do not believe is a -ture t-ing to do.

  Your description of t-e emotional da-ge your c-ildren -ave suffered is disturbing indeed. I cannot -elp but wondering w-at you -ave been telling t-em. I would t-ink t-at a mot-er's first and foremost priority is to protect -er c-ildren from any emotional da-ge, rat-er t-an using t-em as bargaining c-ips wit- a spouse or as props to win public sympat-y. Yale is t-e c-ildren's fat-er and will always be. I am sure -e will always love t-em and be t-e best fat-er -e can be to t-em. Wouldn't it -ke more sense, for t-e sake of t-e c-ildren's wellbeing, to emp-asize to t-em t-at bot- t-eir parents will always love t-em even t-oug- one parent will not be living wit- t-em all t-e time? I do not see w-at benefit t-ere could possibly be to teac- t-e c-ildren to -ate t-eir own fat-er.

  You asked me -ow it was like to sleep in Yale's arms. I also wanted to ask you, Lily, w-y would you want to -ang on to someone w-o clearly does not want to be wit- you at all? Lily, you are intelligent, -ig-ly-educated and you -ave a -ig--paying and well-respected job. So w-y did you spend so muc- time and energy trying to force someone w-o does not care about you to stay wit- you? As a fellow wo-n I want to ask you t-is, don't you t-ink you deserve better? If t-ere's anyt-ing t-at is worse t-an sleeping in t-e arms of anot-er wo-n's -u-and, it is sleeping in t-e arms of someone w-o resents you, cannot stand you and wants to run away from you w-enever -e gets a c-ance. So Lily, w-y would you want to put yourself in t-at situation? Once again, don't t-ink you deserve better?

  I sincerely -ope t-at t-e pain you are currently feeling will subside soon and you can turn a new leaf in your life. Please remember, you can lose a job, you can lose a spouse, but you s-ould never lose yourself. And please, do not vent your negative feelings on your c-ildren. T-ey are innocent. Please always keep in mind t-eir best interests rat-er t-an your own. You deserve true -appiness, and I -ope t-at you will find it soon.

  Best regards,
























  把我俩说成魔鬼,你就好受了是不?没门!认识咱们的人都说早该离了,撑啥撑啊,连老朱也这么说。各位不好意思把你们拉进来打酱油了。算我求你了行不,你丫快滚 。

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