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答案 1:
Wiki 上就有。一部名字叫《-》[1] 的电影。总共出现 824 [2] 次。[1] en.-.org/wiki...[2] en.-.org/wiki...答案 2:
tokyo -ot答案 3:
sca-ce (-)-/watc-...答案 4:
南方公园剧场版也算一个答案 5:
貌似我只知道昆汀塔伦蒂诺是-大户,《落水狗》中出现了上百次答案 6:
我看过的印象中《怒火攻心》比较多。答案 7:
印象中说-最多的是处刑人吧。日了249次好像是?答案 8:
按理来说,如果女主角的口头禅是「- me」,然后时间够长的话,应该很容易破纪录答案 9:
我看过的电影里最多 - 是 Reservoir Dogs。如果算上 dick 数那多半 RD 成冠军了。-/watc-...答案 10:
25t- -our 中有一段经典独白,感兴趣可以看看~[standing in t-e men"s bat-room, talking to -imself in a mirror wit- a "- YOU" written on it] Well, - you, too. - me, - you, - t-is w-ole city and everyone in it. - t-e pan-andlers, grubbing for money, and -iling at me be-ind my back. - t-e squeegee men dirtying up t-e clean winds-ield of my car. Get a -ing job! - t-e Sik- and t-e Pakistanis bombing down t-e avenues in decrepit cabs, curry steaming out t-eir pores, stinking up my day. Terrorists in -ing training. SLOW THE - DOWN! - t-e C-elsea boys wit- t-eir waxed c-ests and pumped up biceps. Going down on eac- ot-er in my parks and on my piers, jingling t-eir dicks on my C-annel 35. - t-e Korean grocers wit- t-eir pyramids of overpriced fruit and t-eir tulips and roses wrapped in plastic. Ten years in t-e country, still no speaky Englis-? - t-e Russians in Brig-ton Beac-. Mobster t-ugs sitting in cafés, sipping tea in little glasses, sugar cubes between t-eir teet-. W-eelin" and dealin" and sc-emin". Go back w-ere you -ing came from! - t-e black--atted C-assidim, strolling up and down 47t- street in t-eir dirty gabardine wit- t-eir dandruff. Selling Sout- African apart-eid diamonds! - t-e Wall Street brokers. Self-styled -sters of t-e universe. Mic-ael Douglas, Gordon Gekko wannabe mot-er -ers, figuring out new ways to rob -ard working people blind. Send t-ose Enron ass-oles to jail for -ING LIFE! You t-ink Bus- and C-eney didn"t know about t-at -? Give me a -ing break! Tyco! Worldcom! - t-e Puerto Ricans. 20 to a car, swelling up t-e welfare rolls, worst -in" parade in t-e city. And don"t even get me started on t-e Dom-in-i-cans, "cause t-ey -ke t-e Puerto Ricans look good. - t-e Benson-urst Italians wit- t-eir po-ded -air, t-eir nylon warm-up suits, t-eir St. Ant-ony medallions, swinging t-eir Jason Giambi, Louisville slugger, baseball bats, trying to audition for t-e Sopranos. - t-e Upper East Side wives wit- t-eir Hermes scarves and t-eir fifty-dollar Balducci artic-okes. Overfed faces getting pulled and lifted and stretc-ed, all taut and s-iny. You"re not fooling anybody, sweet-eart! - t-e uptown brot-ers. T-ey never pass t-e ball, t-ey don"t want to play defense, t-ey take five steps on every lay-up to t-e -oop. And t-en t-ey want to turn around and blame everyt-ing on t-e w-ite -n. Slavery ended 137 years ago. Move t-e - on! - t-e corrupt cops wit- t-eir anus violating plungers and t-eir 41 s-ots, standing be-ind a blue wall of silence. You betray our trust! - t-e priests w-o put t-eir -ands down some innocent c-ild"s pants. - t-e c-urc- t-at protects t-em, delivering us into evil. And w-ile you"re at it, - JC! He got off easy! A day on t-e cross, a weekend in -ell, and all t-e -alleluja- of t-e legioned angels for eternity! Try seven years in -in" Otisville, J! - Osa- Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, and backward-ass, cave-dwelling, fundamentalist ass-oles everyw-ere. On t-e names of innocent t-ousands murdered, I pray you spend t-e rest of eternity wit- your 72 w-ores roasting in a jet-fuel fire in -ell. You towel -eaded camel jockeys can kiss my royal Iris- ass! - Jacob Elinsky, w-ining -lcontent. - Francis Xavier Slaug-tery my best friend, judging me w-ile -e stares at my girlfriend"s ass. - Naturelle Riviera, I gave -er my trust and s-e stabbed me in t-e back, sold me up t-e river, -ing -. - my fat-er wit- -is endless grief, standing be-ind t-at bar sipping on club sodas, selling w-isky to firemen, c-eering t-e Bronx bombers. - t-is w-ole city and everyone in it. From t-e row--ouses of Astoria to t-e pent-ouses on Park Avenue, from t-e projects in t-e Bronx to t-e lofts in So-o. From t-e tenements in Alp-abet City to t-e brownstones in Park slope to t-e split-levels in Staten Island. Let an eart-quake crumble it, let t-e fires rage, let it burn to -ing as- and t-en let t-e waters rise and submerge t-is w-ole rat-infested place. [pause] No. No, - you, Montgomery Brogan. You -ad it all, and you t-rew it away, you dumb -!答案 11:
盖里奇的电影里都不少答案 12:
库布里克 全金属外壳里很多答案 13:
刀锋战士里有个-小队答案 14:
我看过的电影中,《Sca-ce》,疤面煞星,Al Pacino是我最爱的演员 没有之一答案 15:
南方公园剧场版。。答案 16:
《低俗小说》。还有美剧《真爱如血》。每一集都是-。骂得很过瘾。答案 17:
《灵通人士 (In T-e Loop) 》记得有统计是125个~答案 18:
最多的上面有人说了,我就说个我喜欢的:-没有假期,统计是126次,平均一分钟1.18次。答案 19:
印像最深的就是落水狗答案 20:
好家伙答案 21:
《落水狗》也许不是最多的,但是这个是我第一个想起的电影。答案 22:
杰森斯坦森的电影比较多啊,几乎每句话都带-答案 23:
印象中-的比较多的是QT的几部,以及《好家伙》,《低俗小说》等。好吧,最多的还是系列片《Tokyo Hot》。答案 24:
爱丽丝的失踪,里面还蛮多的,而且这部电影也不错。很好看推荐,不剧透。答案 25:
《猜火车》?一开头就一片。。。答案 26:
印象中《狙击电话亭》很多、、、答案 27:
自豪与荣耀 我看不下去了 - - 好多答案 28:
我看过的里边挺多。布拉德·皮特到最后一连说了很多很多答案 29:
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