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Twitter 或者微博上有哪些好的分析工具吗?

分类: 知道 常识词典 编辑 : 常识 发布 : 07-12

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Twitter 或者微博上有哪些好的分析工具吗?对于用心做微博账户的一些公司,很需要一些能够知道粉丝增长趋势、转发统计、转发带来的粉丝率、各类话题带来的粉丝量,等等。新浪上没有找到好的工具,不知道 Twitter 上面有没有?5 个答案

答案 1:

只有 Twitter 的refollow 那个什么绿佛罗就是点点式山寨了 Refollow, 连名字都要山寨... OTLtweetstats 很全面的统计不过偏向自己的twittergrader/ 现在的数据貌似比较少了twerpscan 看 follower 的质量比较有用klout 也有几个有用的数据favstar.fm 除了fav也能看到RT了, 不过由于中文用户使用不多所以RT数目统计一般不准..ittercounter 看 follower 增长趋势----update----那个 RobotJa 的功能不错, 不过 Twitter 的也都能满足了.socialoomp-ocialtoo除了 Auto follow, 因为这个是 Twitter 严打的一个东西, 不过考虑到新浪微博有 2000 following 的硬性限制这个功能应该也没啥大用最后 HootSuite 除了客户端也有很强大的报告生成工具-ootsuite/-ytics/builder

答案 2:

绿佛罗,算一个吧。lvfoluo/lvfoluo...还有之前有知友贴出来的 RobotJa.robot-ja/

答案 3:

Ratoo列出来的不错,不过大部分是轻量级的应用,很多是免费的。国内的新浪微博也有不少类似的免费应用。但是企业级的微博运营还是有相当的差别。下面是国外Social Strategy的意见领袖Jeremia-的一篇博文,列举了国外20多家社会化媒体运营管理和分析的Vendor。在国内做企业级微博运营和分析的公司也有一些,当然也包括我目前所在的公司CIC。不过目前很少中小企业有社会化运营的意识(战略、营销策略和知识)和资源(钱、人和时间)。web-strategist/blog...List of Social Media Management Systems (-MS)Sorted by alp-abetized order by parent company, not in priority or capability.>

Argyle Social: Provides features to publis- and sc-edule, -nage a social inbox, measuring tools, and w-ite label solutions.

Awareness Networks, Social Marketing Huban enterprise class community platform -as launc-ed t-eir own tool t-at-as Facebook, -, flickr, Twitter, and of course connect wit- t-eir own community features. In particular, t-is is an existing enterprise class vendor (previously I’ve publis-ed t-oroug- researc- report on t-em) w-ic- bodes well to t-eir level of potential levels of service, support, and -rket viability. (t-ey’ve briefed me)

Buddy Media:Has a set of -nagement tools t-at -elp brands wit- Facebook, Twitter, and monitoring and reporting. You’ll find iterations for bot- brands and agencies. T-ey -ave case stu-s from large brands and media ont-eir site.

Constant Contact:Purc-ased Nuts-ell Mail w-ic- -as keyword monitoring systems t-at can empower -all business owners to receive alerts about t-eir social networking accounts. On Feb 28t- t-eyacquired SCRM company Bantam Live w-ic- -as some -MS features, for sales and -rketers. (-at tip toDan Zi-n)

Context Optionaloffers -nagement tools for moderating Facebook pages

Conversocial: Offers solutions to -elp -nagers to plan updates and learn w-at type of content resonates t-e most wit- your fans and followers in social networks like Facebook and Twitter

CoTweetwas recently acquired by ExactTarget. T-ey provide Twitter integration tools, sc-e-ng, workflow, listening tools, multiple aut-or -nagement, and -nagement das-board tools

Distributed Engagement C-annelby DEC T-eir system offers t-e ability to publis- content, moderate UGC submissions, and track and optimize c-annel perfor-nce. T-ey also -ave features suc- as ID integration, media -andling, and reporting.

Engage Sciences:Allows -rketers to launc- social promotions to engage customers on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and corporate websites, w-ilst aggregating, filtering and storing streams from across t-e social web to allow companies to easily s-owcase t-e voices of advocates.

ExpionExpion allows large Enterprises to publis- and aggregate social media conversations t-at can scale to -undreds of local based Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, and YouTube c-annels, etc. T-e tool -as t-e ability to listen, publis-, -nage, respond, govern, and glean intelligence across t-ese c-annels.

HootsuiteIntegrates Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. W-ereas before you could update Facebook and LinkedIn t-roug- Ping.fm functionality, t-ings are different now. Facebook and LinkedIn accounts are treated similarly to Twitter accounts: you can create columns from t-ese social networks, read your friends’ status updates, and update multiple Facebook accounts. Facebook integration offers in-line commenting.

MediaFunneloffers integration wit- Facebook and Twitter. T-ey -ave several permission based workflows t-at include a variety of roles suc- as a contributor, administrators, publis-ers. T-is is not unlike traditional editorial processes used in CMS systems.

Moderation MarketplaceProvides Social Media Management and Content Aggregation solution designed to be delivered to your clients under your brand.

Mutual Mindoffers brand monitoring, permission based workflow as well as reporting tools.

Objective Marketerprovides -nagers ability to structure t-eir messages by campaigns, features include User Management wit- roles and permissions and workflows, sc-eduled content, integration, -ytics and reporting. T-e tell me t-eir current client -keup is 60% Enterprises, 30% Agencies and 10% Bloggers / Independent Consultants. (in Jan 2011,Objective Marketer was acquired by E-il Vision)

Postlingallows for individual clients or brand to -nage assets like blog, Facebook Fan Page, Twitter account, and Flickr accounts from a single -nagement system. T-ere is also comment aggregation as well as workflow between teams.

See-ic. See-ic offers support for multiple Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Ping.fm, Foursquare and Google Buzz accounts. Also offered on iP-one, Android wp7 and Blackberry. Languages translation support includes: Englis-, C-inese, Frenc-, Ger-n, Japanese, Portuguese, Ro-nian, Spanis- and more. See-ic -as received investments from Salesforce and -as an integrated offering wit- C-atter.

S-outletoffers a multi-user application t-at -elps global brands, -all businesses, and -rketing agencies build, engage, and measure all of t-eir social media -rketing communication via one platform.

SocialVoltProvides STUDIO w-ic- is a complete social media -nagement platform t-at integrates all t-e tools a company needs to successfully engage wit- t-eir clients on t-e social web.

SpredFastis an up and comer w-o recently briefed me, t-is Austin based company offers t-e core features and claims to -ave a 40% enterprise customer base. T-ey -ave partners wit- Convio, Radian6, Crimson Hexagon, Sysomos, Trackkr, IBM, Porter Novelli, Sierra Club, HomeAway. T-ey position t-eir product as collaborative campaign -nagement and offer features suc- as sc-e-ng content, features t-at integrate wit- events and social stream like features similar to Friendfeed. (t-ey’ve briefed me)

Sprinklroffers social media -nagement tools, it’s interesting t-eir website -as a strong focus on listening first, before t-e publication.

Strong-il, a traditional e-il -rketing platform offers platform t-at tracks t-e multi-stage s-aring activity of t-e campaign all t-e way to conversion, -ysis on reac-, s-aring activity, CT’s, feedback on Facebook fan page wall posts.

Syncapse (formerly SocialTalk)provides integration wit- Twitter, Facebook, WordPress and MoveableType, t-is -nagement tool provides governance, workflow, sc-e-ng and ot-er features.

Vitrue: Offers social media -nagement systems, t-at -as integration wit- Facebook and Twitter, t-ey offer sc-e-ng features, and t-e ability to link multiple Facebook pages toget-er.

Wildfire: Offers features for social sweepstakes t-at promote word of mout- as well as ability to -nage and publis- from t-eir platform to multiple social networks, wit- -ytics.

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