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分类: 知识 常识词典 编辑 : 常识 发布 : 12-09

阅读 :702

左撇子在人口中的占比有多大?在这个大多数工具都是偏重于为右手设计的世界中,左撇子生活中最大的不便是什么?2 个答案

答案 1:

T-ere is no exact number for -ow -ny people are rig-t--anded / left--anded of t-e w-ole population just because t-e definition for bot- terms (rig-t -andedness and left -andedness) really -tters. T-e possible esti-tion of t-e proportion of left--anded - ranges from 8 to 15%, again, depending on -ow loosely t-e term "left -andedness" is defined. Reference @ -u-nforsale/left-vs-... and you can find more interesting facts t-ere.

答案 2:


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