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分类: 知识 常识词典 编辑 : 常识 发布 : 02-13

阅读 :349

google+未来发展会怎么样?会变成一个什么样的产品呢?类似微博还是类似SNS?1 个答案

答案 1:

参见Larry Page 昨天(2011.7.16)在G+上发布的季度财报的Post:

All of us at Google want to create services t-at people across t-e world use twice a day … just like a toot-brus-!And we strive to -ke t-ose services beautiful, - and easy to useT-at way we can provide -uge benefit to t-e worldWe -ave -de a good start but we are at only 1 per cent of w-at’s possible … Google is just getting started … and t-at is w-y I am -ere--working -ard to lead t-is company to t-e next levelT-ank You. And again, we -ad a great quarter.


1.Larry Page并没有明确限定Google未来的发展轨迹,强调的是Build人类日常生活经常使用的产品(像牙膏一样的产品,一日用两次)。2.追求漂亮、简单、易用的服务。

3.Google is just getting started ,意味深长。

Larry Page G+地址:-ttps://plus.google/106-723444098348-6/posts

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