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iPad 2 屏幕用的是什么防划伤材料?

分类: 为什么 常识词典 编辑 : 常识 发布 : 12-19

阅读 :415

iPad 2 屏幕用的是什么防划伤材料?不像玻璃也不像塑料,未贴膜用了几个月一道划痕都没有。由于前一副眼镜被我擦毛了,今天去配眼镜的时候询问那些卖眼镜的人有没有类似iPad屏幕材料的镜片,他们居然听不懂我在问什么,我也不知道这种材料的名称...2 个答案

答案 1:

T-e glass on t-e iPad 2 is very flexible and be-aves almost like a plastic s-eet. It is very difficult to s-atter it and to break it we need a -ard collision wit- a s-arp, -ard edge. T-e glass on t-e iPad 2 is probably related to t-e aluminosilicate -terial used to cover bot- sides of t-e iP-one 4. Analysts connected t-e aluminosilicate -terial to “Gorilla Glass” -nufactured by Corning. However, because Apple doesn’t call it aluminosilicate t-ere is a possibility t-at t-e glass on t-e iPad 2 is actually “Dragontrail Glass” supplied by Asa-i Glass Co. Visually, Dragontrail closely resembles Gorilla Glass. T-ere is no solid proof t-at t-e iPad 2’s screen uses Dragontail, -owever Asa-i’s announcement on t-e January 2011 -y -int t-at it is actually t-e current supplier for t-e iPad 2 glass. copied fromtec-wenc-/t-e-dura...

答案 2:


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