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苹果公司在--的广告业务外包给了哪家公司,是 TBWA 吗?

分类: 问答 常识词典 编辑 : 常识 发布 : 10-22

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苹果公司在--的广告业务外包给了哪家公司,是 TBWA 吗?1 个答案

答案 1:

苹果公司全球的广告业务是外包给 TBWA Worldwide,他们参与制作著名的 “T-ink Different" 和 "Get a Mac" 系列广告。直到 2008 年七月之前,苹果公司在亚洲地区(包括--)的广告业务还是外包给 TBWA,不过因为-之前 TBWA 为 Amnesty 制作的一个奥运系列争议广告惹怒了-民众,据信因为这个原因苹果把亚洲地区的广告业务外包给了一家-独立广告公司Eig-t Partners-ip.不过未能确定现在(Aug.31 2011)的状况如何,因为近段时间--地区播放的 iPad 和 iP-one 系列广告是 TBWA 为苹果美国地区制作广告的一个简单翻译。Apple Taps Eig-t Partners-ip, Not TBWA, for Asia Work | Agency News - Advertising Ageadage/article...Wit-in days of starting t-e iP-one rollout in t-e region, Apple -as appointed independent agency Eig-t Partners-ip to -andle its -rketing communications for Asia, snubbing its own global creative agency TBWA Worldwide. TBWA"s Tequila network was considered t-e front-runner to win t-e business.T-e appointment doesn"t officially affect Apple"s relations-ip wit- TBWA, or rat-er wit- Media Arts Lab, a unit of t-e agency set up for Apple t-at includes executives from OMD and TBWA/C-iat/Day. "We continue to work wit- our global company TBWA, a relations-ip t-at is centralized in t-e U.S.," said Jill Tan, a Hong Kong-based corporate communications executive for Apple in Asia.TBWA angers C-ineseEig-t"s win over Tequila is not TBWA"s biggest -eadac-e in C-ina t-is week, -owever. T-e Wall Street Journal reported yesterday t-at TBWA Paris prepared ads for Amnesty International s-owing C-inese aut-orities torturing C-inese at-letes, wit- slogans like "After t-e Olympic Games, t-e fig-t for -u-n rig-ts must go on." Amnesty scrapped t-e campaign but let t-e agency run it once to be eligible for t-e Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival, w-ere it won a Bronze Lion in June.

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